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Frequently Asked Questions

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At Toucan Law, we understand that Wills, Estate Planning, Probate and Trusts can be complex and overwhelming. We're dedicated to making these complex matters more accessible and straightforward. Our frequently asked questions is an excellent resource to find answers to any questions you may have. Whether you need assistance with drafting a Will, dealing with the Probate of an estate, or managing a Trust, we are here to help.

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  • What happens if I die without a Will?
    If you die without leaving a valid Will, then your estate will be distributed in accordance with the law. This law is known as the Intestacy Rules and is nearly 100 years old. It is out-of-date and does not cater for modern families, it does not allow for assets to pass to unmarried partners, even if you live together. Nor do stepchildren inherit, although illegitimate children do inherit. The law generally ensures that your closest relatives inherit, however, your spouse/civil partner may not be entitled to inherit everything as they may share this with your children. If you do not have any family members, then your estate will end up with the Crown. Additionally, without a Will the Court will appoint an administrator to handle your estate, this could lead to delays, increased costs but could also be someone you would not have wanted.
  • How do I choose the right Executor?
    When selecting an Executor, it's important to choose someone who is trustworthy, organised, and capable of handling the responsibilities of estate administration. Consider factors such as their availability, financial acumen, and willingness to act in the sole interest of the beneficiaries. You may also want to discuss your decision with potential Executors to ensure they are comfortable taking on the role.
  • I've made a Will, how often should I update it?
    It's recommended to review your Will regularly, especially after significant life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child or grandchild, or moving to a new home for example. Although we always try to write your Will in a way to ensure it is as future-proofed as possible, nobody can predict what the future might hold and as a rule of thumb we would recommend you review your Will every 3-5 years.
  • Can I write my own Will, or do I need a professional?
    While it is possible to write your own Will, it's advisable to seek the guidance of a professional Willwriter and Estate Planner to ensure that your Will is legally valid and accurately reflects your intentions. Willwriters and Estate Planners, such as Toucan Law can provide valuable expertise and advice to help you navigate complex legal requirements and avoid potential pitfalls
  • What is a Will and why do I need one?
    A Will is a legal document which outlines your wishes regarding who is to inherit your assets when the time comes. A Will also allows you to leave specific gifts to individuals or charities, appoint guardians for minor children, specify any funeral preferences you might have, as well as provide protection for assets or vulnerable individuals. Having a valid Will in place when you die makes things easier for those you leave behind and can help avoid family disputes.
  • What is Estate Planning, and why is it so important?
    Making a Will is part of your overall Estate Plan. Estate Planners, such as Toucan Law offer a holistic service and as well as helping you with your Will, they will also provide guidance and support on how to make arrangements for the management and distribution of your assets after your death or in the event of incapacity. Estate Planning allows you to protect your assets, minimise taxes, and ensure that your loved ones are provided for according to your wishes. Estate Planning is essential for achieving your financial and personal goals and providing peace of mind for you and your family.
  • How can I protect my loved ones and assets from potential disputes and challenges after my death?
    To protect your loved ones and assets from legal disputes and challenges, it's important to create a clear and comprehensive Estate Plan, communicate your wishes to your family, and regularly review and update your plan as needed. Working with an experienced Estate Planning specialist, such as Toucan Law can help ensure that your plan is legally sound and minimises the risk of disputes.
  • What would happen if I didn't have an LPA in place?
    If you don't have a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place and you become unable to make decisions due to incapacity, the process of managing your affairs can become more complex and time-consuming. Without an LPA, your loved ones may need to apply to the court to become your deputy through a process known as deputyship. This process can be lengthy, costly, and may not result in the person you would have chosen being appointed to make decisions on your behalf. Additionally, without an LPA, your family members may face difficulties in accessing your finances, managing your property, or making important decisions about your health and welfare. This lack of legal authority can lead to delays in important matters and potential disputes among family members about who should have the authority to act on your behalf.
  • When should I create a Lasting Power of Attorney?
    You need to make an LPA whilst you are still mentally capable of making decisions and understanding the implications of appointing an attorney. None of us know what the future holds, so having an LPA in place provides peace of mind that your affairs will be managed according to your wishes if you become unable to do so yourself. It's never too early to create an LPA, but it's important to do so before you need it.
  • What is a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), and why is it important?
    A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone (known as an attorney) to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to make them yourself due to mental or physical incapacity. There are two types of LPAs: one for health and welfare decisions and another for property and financial affairs. Having an LPA in place ensures that your wishes are followed and that someone you trust can manage your affairs if you're unable to do so.
  • Who can I appoint as my attorney?
    You can appoint anyone you trust to act as your attorney in an LPA, including family members, friends, or professional advisers. It's important to choose someone who understands your wishes and is willing and able to make decisions in your best interests. You can appoint more than one attorney and specify whether they should make decisions jointly or independently.
  • What is the role of an Executor?
    The Executor is responsible for carrying out the instructions outlined in the Will and administering the deceased person's estate. This includes gathering and managing assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing assets to beneficiaries according to the terms of the Will. Where there is no Will, then Administrators are appointed and the estate is distributed in accordance with the Intestacy laws.
  • What is Probate, and when is it needed?
    The term Probate is often confused with Estate Administration. Estate Administration is the process your Executor (or next of kin if you do not have a Will) will need to follow to ensure that your assets are sold and collected in, your debts are paid, any taxes are calculated and settled and your beneficiaries are paid their inheritance. In order for them to carry out the Estate Administration, they may have to apply for Probate (or Letters of Administration if you do not have a Will). This is a legal process whereby the Court gives your Executor the legal authority to carry out their role and administer your estate in accordance with the law. Probate isn't always required and it will depend on the assets involved and the value of these. You can read more in our blog:
  • How long does the Probate process typically take?
    The duration of the Probate process can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the estate, whether there is any Inheritance Tax payable, the presence of disputes or challenges, and court procedures. In general, Probate and Estate Administration can take anywhere from several months to a year or more to complete.
  • Do all assets go through Probate?
    No, not all assets are required to go through Probate. Assets held jointly with rights of survivorship, assets with designated beneficiaries (such as life insurance policies), and assets held in trust typically bypass Probate and are distributed directly to the beneficiaries.
  • Are there different types of Trusts, and how do they work?
    Yes, there are many different types of Trusts. The type of Trust that's right for you will depend on your individual circumstances and wishes. Speaking with a specialist, such as Toucan Law will help you to understand all of the options available to you.
  • What are the benefits of setting up a Trust?
    Trusts offer numerous benefits in estate planning, including privacy, asset protection, probate avoidance, tax planning, and flexibility in distributing assets to beneficiaries. Trusts can also be used to provide for minor children, individuals with special needs, or beneficiaries who may not be capable of managing assets on their own.
  • What is a Trust?
    A Trust is a legal arrangement in which one party (the Trustee) holds assets for the benefit of another party (the Beneficiary). Unlike a Will, which only takes effect upon death, a Trust can be established during your lifetime and can provide ongoing management and distribution of assets both during your lifetime and after your death. Trusts are very common and play a key role in many aspects of everyday life. Many people, often without realising it; will come into contact with a trust in one form or another at some point during their lives. Yet trusts are widely misunderstood and often seen as something just the wealthy need to be concerned with. Trusts are particularly useful when planning how money and assets should pass from one generation to another, especially when family structures are complicated by divorces and second marriages. This; coupled with the growing frequency of marriage breakdowns, an ageing population and rising prosperity; makes trusts an excellent tool for long-term planning to ensure a family’s financial stability and security.
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